October, 2014

KTB released the 2014 half year results in October and here below are some of the highlights of the results:-

  • As of June 2014, JKIA cumulative arrivals declined by 12.3% whereas MIAM arrivals declined by 24%. The total half year decline is 13.6%. Half year results for JKIA reduced from 409,130 to 358,977. MIAM arrivals dropped from 91,030 to 69,246. Consolidated arrivals meanwhile fell from 495,978 by June 2013 to 428,585 by June 2014.
  • June 2014 is the worst performing month in the year as it declined by 51.6% considering both airports. The decline at JKIA alone was 42,549 arrivals less than June 2013. It is important to note that Mpeketoni happened in mid June.
  • To further evaluate the extent of decline, Jan- June 2014 figures are 21.9% and 24% lower that the equivalent in 2011 (549,083) and 2012 (564,261) respectively.
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