Regional Elections
April, 2012

During the month of  April, the secretariat met with members in Mt. Kenya, Malindi/Watamu, Coast and Nairobi Regions with the aim of holding regional elections, sensitizing the membership on the role of the Association as well as providing a networking plat form.

The following were elected as office bearers in the Mt. Kenya region:
•         John Lelaono -General Manager- Alliance Naromoru River Lodge – Chairman
•         Anthony  Kashero -General Manager- Sarova Shaba Lodge  – Vice Chairman

At the Coast the following were elected:
•         Harald Kampa- Director –Diani Sea Resort –Chairman
•         Vikram Korla-Operations Director-Sentido Neptune-Vice Chairman

In Malindi the following were elected:
•         Phillip Chai – Manager-Lion In the Sun- Chairman
•         Philemon Mwavala –MD –Eden Village and Jacaranda Hotel Watamu - Vice Chairman

The following carried the day in the Nairobi elections:
•         Anthony Ngunga- General Manager-Sarova Panafric Hotel-Chairman
•         James Mwangi –Operations Manager-Panari Hotel-Vice Chairman

We take this opportunity to congratulate the teams on their election and wish them all the best in their new positions, as we strive to make Kenyan hospitality globally competitive.

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