Turtle Bay Beach Club
Malindi - Watamu (Watamu Marine National Park, Malindi)
Located on one of the top five rated beaches in the world, Turtle Bay offers excellent water sports facilities in a National Marine Park which hosts an abundant variety of fish and marine life. Appealing to a wide range of visitors, it’s no surprise that this friendly hotel attracts visitors back year after year.
P.O Box 10-80202, Watamu
Tel: +254 (0)42 233 2003; 233 2080; 233 2226
Fax: +254 (0)42 233 2268; 233 2345
Cell: +254 (0)721 830 604; 734 601 066
Email: special@turtlebay.co.ke
Website: www.turtlebaykenya.com
Tel: +254 (0)42 233 2003; 233 2080; 233 2226
Fax: +254 (0)42 233 2268; 233 2345
Cell: +254 (0)721 830 604; 734 601 066
Email: special@turtlebay.co.ke
Website: www.turtlebaykenya.com